





杜翠,女,副教授,生于1985年,中共党员,研究生学历,博士学位。2004.9-2008.6,商丘师范学院,应用数学,学士;2008.9-2011.6,成都信息工程学院,应用数学,硕士;2011.9-2015.6,西南交通大学,防灾减灾工程及防护工程,博士;2019.5-2020.8,美国Clarkson University,访问学者;2022.9-2023.6,北京大学,访问学者。主持国家自然科学基金1项、河南省科技攻关1项、参与国家自然科学基金项目1项;主持校级教改3项;发表学术论文21篇,其中SCI、EI检索11篇、参与出版专著1部、教材1部。


1. 嵌入式软件方法与技术





2.气象因素对eLoran高精度定位系统传播时延与定位误差影响研究 参与

2.四川省社会科学“十四五”规划项目-《面向远程访问统计数据的安全防护技术研究》SC23TJ019 202401-2024-12 参与




  1. 杜翠 基于分段二次流变模型的泥石流流速垂向分布 河南科技大学学报(自然科学版)202312(CSCD)

  2. DU Cui, Wu Weiming, Ma Chao. Velocity profile of debris flow based on quadratic rheology model[J]. Journal of Mountain Science. (2021) 18(8): 2120-2129. (SCI)

  3. Du Cui. Deposition pattern of stony and muddy debris flow at the confluence area [J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2021, 18(3):622-634. (SCI)

  4. Du Cui, Yao Lingkan, SHAKYA Subhashsagar, et al. Damming of Large River by debris flow: Dynamic Process and Particle Composition [J] Journal of Mountain Science, 2014, 11(3):634-643. (SCI)

  5. Du Cui, YAO Lingkan, Huang Yidan, et al. The effects of seismic surge wave and the risk of moraine lake outburst. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016,10: 570-577

  6. Liu Cui-rong, Du Cui. Characteristic and Criteria of Debris Flow Partially Blocking Big River. 重庆交通学报(自然科学版),2014, 33(1):79-83.

  7. Ma Chao, Wang Yujie, Hu Kaiheng, Du Cui, Yang Wentao. Rainfall intensity-duration threshold and erosion competence of debris flows in four areas affected by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake[J]. Geomorphology, 2017, 282, 85-95. (SCI)

  8. Ma Chao, Wang Yujie, Du Cui. Comparison of the entrainment rate of debris flows in distinctive triggering conditions[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2017, 14:237-248 (SCI).

  9. Ma Chao, Wang Yujie, Du Cui, et al. Variation in initiation condition of debris flows in the mountain regions surrounding Beijing [J]. Geomorphology, 2016, 273:323-334. (SCI).

  10. Du Cui, Huang SJ, Zhang MJ. On 3D axisymmetric inviscid stagnation flow related to Navier-Stokes equations[J].  Nonlinear Analysis Forum 2011,16: 67-75.

  11. 杜翠,姚令侃,杨运林,杨庆华. 基于动力学与物质条件的泥石流阻塞大河综合判据[J]. 水利学报, 2012,43(S2):128-132. (EI)


电子邮件:ducui@cuit.edu.cn, ducui0125@163.com


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